01/05/2021 - THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET: from Health to Lifestyle and a Sustainable Future. F.Xavier Medina and Helen Macbeth (Eds). ICAF-International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition, 2021
Editors: Helen Macbeth and F.Xavier Medina. Alimenta Populorum series by the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF), 2021.
- Introduction. Looking Back, Looking Forward: Necessary Reflections on the Evolution of the Concept of the Mediterranean Diet by F. Xavier Medina and Helen Macbeth
- Chapter 1. Old and New Discussions and Disagreements on Food, Health, Culture and Sustainability: The Example of the ‘Mediterranean Diet’ by F. Xavier Medina
- Chapter 2. A Change of Route in the Mediterranean, revitalising the ‘Mediterranean Diet’ towards more Sustainable Food Systems: A Cross-disciplinary Approach by Sandro Dernini and Roberto Capone
- Chapter 3. How to Safeguard the Mediterranean Diet the Mediterranean Way by Alen Agaronov
- Chapter 4. Challenging a Dietary Concept with Food Intake Studies: 1990s Data from Spanish and French Populations in an Eastern Pyrenean Mountain Valley and on the Mediterranean Coast by Helen Macbeth and Paul Bizzell
Chapter 5. The Mediterranean Diet in the Face of an Increasingly Globalised Food System: The Case of the Tunisian Food Model by Sonia Mlayah Hamzaoui
Chapter 6. Mediterranean Food: From the Stereotype to Digital Commerce
by Isabel González Turmo
Chapter 7. The Importance of Food and Agricultural Heritage Systems in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals by Parviz Koohafkan
Chapter 8. Diets and Landscapes in the Mediterranean: What links? by Alexandre Meybeck and Vincent Gitz
Chapter 9. ‘Sustainability’ Reviewed in the Context of Food around the Mediterranean by Helen Macbeth, Lucy Antal, Paul Collinson and Iain Young