2° Forum Euro Med, Calabria

From 9 through 11 November 2003,The 2nd EuroMediterranean Forum “Dialogues Between the Civilizations of the Mediterranean on Food Security” is organized by the Fondazione Universitas Italica at the castle of Corigliano, in Calabria, Italy, on the occasion of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union semester.The Forum’s objective Its intention is to propose the diversities of the Mediterranean food culture as a meeting place in the dialogue between cultures and civilizations in the Process of Barcellona. The initiative aims to support the dialogue among the different cultural realities of the Mediterranean countries and also moves in direction to the creation, in 2010, of the EuroMediterranean free trade zone.  In particular, the Forum intends to:

  • Define a joint proposal for the creation of a EuroMediterranean Training Network devoted to the advancement of the Mediterranean food culture.
  • Promote the collection of information concerning the food situation of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean and their typical food productions.
  • Continue the reflection on  the progress report on the educational experience “Feeding Minds - Fighting Hunger” taking place in the schools of the Mediterranean countries.