Pubblicazioni di Sandro Dernini, Presidente
- Dernini S. and Capone R. (eds.) (2024).Sustainable Food Systems: Change of Route in the Mediterranean. CIHEAM Bari, Valenzano: CIHEAM Bari
- Dernini S. and Capone R. (eds.) (2022). A change of route: towards more sustainable and resilient food systems in the Mediterranean countries. The Mediterranean diet as a strategic resource for accelerating the Agenda 2030 in the Region. The 3rd world conference on the revitalization of Mediterranean diet, Bari 28-30 September 2022. Valenzano: CIHEAM Bari.
- Capone R., Dernini S. Eds. (2020). Strategies towards more sustainable food systems in the Mediterranean region: The Mediterranean Diet as a lever for bridging consumption and production, in a sustainable and healthy way. CIHEAM. Bari.
- Burlingame, B. and Dernini, S. Eds. (2019). Sustainable Diets. Linking Nutrition and Food Systems. CABI. Oxfordshire/Boston
- Meybeck, A., Redfern, S., Hachem F., , Capone, R., S. Dernini, S. (Eds), (2017). Development of Voluntary Guidelines for the Sustainability of Mediterranean Diet in the Mediterranean Region. FAO/CIHEAM. Rome
- Burlingame, B. and Dernini, S. Eds. (2012). Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity. Directions and Solutions for Policy, Research and Action. FAO. Rome
- Dernini, S. (2007). Plexus Black Box. A Multicultural Aesthetic Inquiry on An International Community-Based Art Project. Casa Editrice Università “La Sapienza”. Rome
Book Chapters and Articles in Scientific Journals
Capone R., Dernini S. (2024). Sustainable food systems. Change of route in the mediterranean. New Medit Journal; Vol. 23 (3). 129-132
Dernini, S. (2023). La diète méditerranéenne est-elle durable?. Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique; 5-58 : 295-304
- Burlingame, B., Lawrence, M., Macdiarmid, J., Dernini, S., & Oenema, S. (2022). Linking Nutrition and Food Systems. IUNS Sustainable Diets Task Force. Trends in Food Science & Technology.
- Dernini, S. (2022). Dietas sostenibles en el contexto de systemas alimentarios sostenibles: Retos para el presente y para el futuro. In: F. Xavier Medina, F.X. Lorenzo Mariano, L., Conde, D. and Alicia Aguilar A.(eds.). Consumo alimentario y sostenibilidad. Mra Ediciones 19-42
- Dernini, S. (2012) The Characterization of the Mediterranean Diet as a Sustainable Diet. 10th Israeli Nutrition Week, 12-14 June 2012, 10A.
- Burlingame, B., Charrondiere, R., Dernini, S. (2012). Improving Dietary Assessment Methodologies for Charactering Sustainable Diets. 8th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods, Rome, 14-17 May 2012, 60.
- Burlingame, B., Dernini, S. (2011). Diete Sostenibili: La Nutrizione come Servizio Ecosistemico. 1° Congresso Nazionale della Rete Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica, 7-8 November 2011, 75.
- Dernini, S. (2010). The Mediterranean Diet: A World Heritage of Diversity, An Example of Sustainable Diet. Evolution Day-La Biodiversità è Bello, Milan, 23-24 November 2010, 8-11.
- Dernini, S. (2009). Mediterranean Diet as an Underestimated Sustainable Resource. 3° International Conference Encuentros en el Mediterraneo, Sevilla, 26 June 2009, 12-17.
- Dernini, S. (2007). North-South Food Dialogues in the Mediterranean Rim. Federation of African Nutrition Societies Congress, Ouarzazate (Marocco), 7-9 May 2007, 26.
- Dernini, S. (2007) The Experience of the Euro-Mediterranean Forum on Food Cultures: An Interdisciplinary Intercultural Approach. Federation of African Nutrition Societies Congress, Ouarzazate (Morocco), 7-9 May 2007, 61.
- Dernini, S. (2005). The Barcelona process and the importance of the Mediterranean diet to preserve the Mediterranean food cultures heritage from the increasing erosion. 2nd International Conference “Traditional Medterranean Diet: Past, Present and Future”, Athens, 20-22 April 2005, 12.
- Dernini, S. (2004). The Present Role of the Mediterranean Diet and the Sustainable Development of the Mediterranean Food Cultures. International Conference Traditional Medterranean Diet: Past, Present and Future, Athens, 21-23 April 2004, 143-146.